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Penning is what Trey Smith would be as a tackle. Under the radar: Ryan Van Demark, ConnecticutĬonnecticut's Ryan Van Demark is a project tackle. He has a good reach step to get a gap or two over and seal along quick feet for his size. Van Demark has great placement with his hands and is ready to punch on his sets. He understands how to properly widen the pocket and seal off at the corner. The downside right now is that Van Demark drops his head at times, which allows him to get beat. If he can correct that with a good offensive line coach, he could be a starting tackle down the road. Defensive endsįavorite of the bunch: Josh Paschal, Kentuckyįormer Kentucky star Josh Paschal shouldn't be able to play as violently with his hands as he does on the edge. He uses his hands with lightning-quick movement to stun offensive linemen and beat them to the point.

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